Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
Geneva, Elveţia
1 up to 5 Years
La zi
Solicitați termenul limită de aplicare
Jan 2025
CHF 42.000 / per year
În campus
Burse și finanțare
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The DBA program at EU Business School is a flexible program that combines both coursework and research components and comprises an effective blend of mandatory coursework, professional residencies, trainings and seminars, research papers and a final dissertation.
The DBA program is divided into three stages:
- Coursework Stage
- Candidacy Stage
- Dissertation Stage
Coursework Stage
Etapa de curs durează cel puțin un an. Oferă studenților bazele teoretice și practice ale domeniilor de studiu primare și de sprijin. Planul de studiu definește modul în care sunt urmărite interesele și obiectivele fiecărui student în timpul programului DBA. Este unic, deoarece leagă activitățile educaționale ale studenților cu obiectivele lor personale pe termen lung de carieră. Fiecare curs este susținut sub formă de seminar. Seminariile DBA enumerate mai jos sunt partea de bază a curriculumului. Progresul și participarea studenților sunt evaluate la fiecare dintre subiecte printr-o lucrare de cercetare sau o misiune alternativă solicitată de facultate.
During the coursework stage, students must successfully complete three independent, stand-alone assignments to be eligible for the next stage. Each assessment component is due by a scheduled deadline announced during the particular academic year after the completion of each module. Students will undertake the following assignments during the first year of their study:
- A paper on research methods or literature review
- A business project
- A research paper
Candidacy Stage
After the successful completion of the coursework stage, students embark on the candidacy stage where they apply the knowledge and skills acquired in stage one to finalize their research interests, outlined in the research proposal.
At this stage the student should start developing their research idea(s), creating a research proposal on their planned academic investigation.
Once the research proposal has been submitted, a formal DBA colloquium evaluates the academic feasibility of the research proposal, and whether the research conducted will add value to the overall body of academic literature. The acceptance of the research proposal marks the completion of the candidacy stage, and the candidate embarks on the third and final stage, i.e., the dissertation stage.
Dissertation Stage
Odată ce propunerea de cercetare este acceptată și aprobată de colocviu, candidatul intră în etapa finală de cercetare a programului. În această etapă, candidatul va lucra în cea mai mare parte independent sub îndrumarea promotorului pentru a executa cercetarea care va culmina cu teza de doctorat.
Course List
- Behavioral Science for Business Modeling
- Afaceri și etică: impulsionarea schimbării
- Data Analysis
- Econometrics
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Finanțe globale și contabilitate managerială
- Leading Digital Transformation
- Value Based Strategy
- Research Methodology
Rezultatul programului
Credits: 120 ECTS
Degree Awarded
Upon completion, students earn a DBA degree from EU Business School Switzerland which is internationally accredited by ACBSP, IACBE, IQA and certified by EduQua.
Learning Outcomes
The DBA program educates managers, business leaders, executives and scholar-practitioners so that they may:
- Apply new theoretical knowledge to contemporary business problems in an increasingly complex world through applied research, teaching and analysis.
- Demonstrate expertise in ethical standards and practices as well as responsibility and cultural/global diversity, to work collaboratively as a contributing leader within both business and society.
- Comprehend the nature and scope of behavior within small and large organizations in the global business environment and analyze the activities of leaders who have successfully managed change.